Rally Round the Tally – part 6 !

Rally Round the TallyThere’s been more progress on the road to re-opening the Tally Ho recently.

Littlehempston Community Pub Limited (LCPL) has been registered with the Financial Services Authority as an Industrial and Provident Society. You can download the Rules that govern LCPL from here.

LCPL have “expressed an interest” in buying the Tally Ho to South Hams District Council.  SHDC have listed the Tally Ho as an Asset of Community Value so LCPL’s action has triggered a moratorium which means the Tally Ho cannot be sold to anyone else before 10 July 2013.

Meanwhile SHDC have granted the planning application for Tally Ho’s barn – you can read the Officer report and Decision Notice under Associated Documents here. But the two planning applications for the Tally Ho itself have been withdrawn as you can see by clicking here and here.

The LCPL Management Committee have been busy preparing a business plan and share prospectus, and a campaign to publicise the share offer.  When we’ve finalised the share prospectus, we plan to submit it to HMRC and get advance confirmation that we qualify for the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS). That will mean that anyone buying shares in LCPL and keeping them for at least three years will have 30% of their investment re-funded by the tax man !

If you’d like more information, or you want to register an interest in becoming a part owner of the Tally Ho, you can contact LCPL by clicking here. You can also sign up to receive Tally Ho update e-mails by clicking here.