Rally Round the Tally – part 5 !

Rally Round the TallyWe’ve moved a few more steps closer to re-opening the Tally Ho recently.

We’ve had an independant, professional valuation of the pub and barn done by Jon Stone of Stonesmiths. When we get Jon’s report we should be well on the way to agreeing a purchase price for the Tally Ho with the current owner Phillip Saint. Then a couple of days later the Rally Round the Tally Team spent most of a day together with a visit from David Fisher, the community adviser assigned to us by the Plunkett Foundation.  We completed our application to register Littlehempston Community Pub Limited as an Industrial and Provident Society for the Benefit of the Community – and that went in the post the next day.  And we made considerable progress on our action plan, business plan, SWOT analysis, etc.

Most recently we’ve heard that South Hams District Council have received notification from the owner of the Tally Ho Inn of his intention to dispose of the property through a Freehold Sale.  As the property has been listed by SHDC as an Asset of Community Value with the Land Registry, the landowner is temporarily restricted from selling the asset unless it is to a local community interest group.  This restriction is initially in place for 6 weeks from 10th January 2013.  The interim moratorium period will cease on the 21st February 2013.  During this interim period, a community interest group may request, in writing, to be treated as a potential bidder for the asset.  If a request from a valid community interest group is received, this will bring the full moratorium of 6 months into place.  The full moratorium period will cease on 10th July 2013. You can read the formal notice from SHDC here.

The Rally Round the Tally Team are sharing an open meeting with Littlehempston Community Space on Tuesday 22nd January at 7.00pm in the church. Please come along if you can, to find out more about the project to set up a co-operative to buy and run the Tally Ho – and to show your support !