Rally Round the Tally – part 4 !

Rally Round the TallyIt’s been quiet on the Tally Ho front for the last few weeks but some good news has just come in – South Hams District Council have just listed the Tally Ho as an Asset of Community Value !  Littlehempston Parish Council nominated the Tally Ho under the Localism Act 2012, and we think it will be the first property to be listed in the South Hams.

SHDC will now write to Phillip Saint (the Tally Ho’s owner) telling him it’s been listed and letting him know what that means, and in particular that he has to inform them if he offers the Tally Ho for sale.  As the Tally Ho is already on the market, we imagine that will happen quickly, and that will be the start of a six week “moratorium” during which local organisations can “express an interest” in bidding to buy the pub.  It can’t be sold during those six weeks.

If a local organisation does express such an interest, the moratorium is extended to six months to allow them to negotiate with the owner and raise the money.

The list of organisation types that can “express an interest” is quite restricted, and realistically it needs to be an incorporated body such as a limited company or co-operative.  But don’t worry !  The Rally Round the Tally team have been preparing for exactly this situation for the past few weeks, and are now close to setting up a co-operative to “express an interest” in buying the Tally, and then go on and run a share issue to raise the purchase price.  With a bit of luck and a fair wind, we’ll soon have a community pub in Littlehempston !

The Rally Tally team have also just heard that they’ve been granted some significant support from the Plunkett Foundation.  It includes several days support from a community advisor, and a grant to help with setting-up costs, paying for a valuation, etc.

But no news yet on the planning applications, which still haven’t been decided.

If you want to know more, get involved and help, or just tell us what you think – there’s a lot more information on the Tally Ho ! section of this website.